Letters to Prem Rawat
Prem Rawat receives many messages through his website. This is a small selection.
March 2025
On the 49th Anniversary of the day I received the gift of Knowledge, my heart melts in gratitude and love for you, dearest Master. All the beautiful opportunities of being part of your work have been and are the most precious time in my life. Thank you for everything. With deepest respect and appreciation.
Montreal, Canada
You are the most beautiful gift of my life. I have been honoring that gift for 43 years in the silence of the morning. Your name is my life.
Rome, Italy
Febuary 2025
Although I know you for many years, now I understand in a different way how crucial it is to have a heart full of gratitude just because I am alive, regardless of the situation. And I am learning every day, every moment to choose that which is the most important for me. Your book, the live broadcasts, the Australian broadcasts, PEAK and so many other materials have been an incredible support. But the biggest support is the love, the commitment and the care I feel from you all the time. With love and gratitude.
Athens, Greece
My heart is filled with gratitude for what you have brought, and are bringing into my life. You have taken me from Darkness to Light, shown me the way back home to my heart, so that I truly know myself and can experience and am in love with the Divine. You lit my lamp long ago and showed me how to keep it lit. Our relationship is one of the purest forms of love. Thank you for reminding me what is most important in my life, which helps me experience Heaven while I am walking through this very dark time.
New York, USA
It is exactly 50 years ago that I received Knowledge. I’ve tried to think of words that would convey how you and your gift of Knowledge have changed my life. I’ve tried to imagine – but not for long – what my life would have been without you and Knowledge. I can only imagine that I would be lost, without an anchor, without a guide. But because of you, my heart is so very warm, a presence that is unmistakably comforting and lovely like Spring. I thank you with all my heart. I’m very happy I can write this to you. And then I focus my attention inside to the place you showed me, and thank you there, again and again and again. With my deepest gratitude today and always.
New Mexico, USA
A big thanks for the Knowledge you provided me. I was a person full of negative thoughts, but your Knowledge changed this negativity into hope, love, gratitude and understanding. Your words are my strength. Our family is blessed with your Knowledge, gratitude and love. Please always stay with us.
January 2025
The penny dropped. This understanding flooded me. I was wishing people Happy New Year and hoping that this year would be the best ever year of their life so far. It struck me so clearly. It flows so naturally from Self-Knowledge that this year can be the best year of my life. That today can be the best day of my life. That today is the best day of my life. It’s just up to me to make it happen. I have everything I need. And as you said recently, peace just keeps flowing once you connect to it. Now just to experience it, moment to moment. Thank you so much for your determination to make my life so full of love and wonder. The Livestreams are the greatest boon anyone could have. So much determination, clarity and love on your side. What a life I have – no words can express it. Thank you.
Belfast, N. Ireland
Thank you so much for the gift of Knowledge and for your guidance.
It’s a bright sun in my life. Thank you so much.New Mexico, USA
I am ever grateful for you and the gift of Knowledge. How wonderful is the breath of life!
May the year ahead be full of beauty for you.Toronto, Canada
I was wanting to share this with you for quite a while. I was at the NY Rejoice program in the ‘80s and I asked you how long I should practice, and you were very kind and very clear and said at least an hour. You gave some examples and you asked me if I understood and I did. After this event, I would try to practice for an hour for a while, and then my schedule changed. Back then, I wasn’t giving myself enough time in the morning or falling asleep at night, so I would stop.
Then, a few years later I went to see you again, and you were explaining the importance to practice. You mentioned the word ‘Prioritizing’. Again, I took this to heart. And one day soon after this event, I realized, having a heart-to-heart talk with myself, ‘If I form a habit to just get up early, that will work.’
This was the best thing I have ever decided to do! It was like a light bulb went off! Go to bed early, wake up early, no matter the situation! Duh! Why it took me so long, I don’t know. It was like a bad habit or that’s what mostly everyone does. Go to bed late, wake up late. I do like to organize, so I organize my time, prioritize what is the most important thing. Perfect. That was so many years back, and now I enjoy practicing every day.
Your words have been a guiding light since the ‘70s for me, and this story is just one example on how you helped me. I just want to thank you for being there. My world was black and white before Knowledge and now, every day it is full of joy and clarity.Ohio, USA
‘Thank you for being here and bringing the experience of Knowledge into my life when I was 22 years old in London, England. I am now 72 years old and living in Australia.
The inner connection has been the one constant in my life and I am very, very grateful. I can’t imagine how I could have enjoyed my lifetime without it.
The external story has been many experiences and stages, and when I look back now, I reflect on my inner experience and that journey of development with the Knowledge, I feel a dignity. Thank you so much for being here with me.’ -
‘Words are weak to express my gratitude. You address the deepest in me, the essence. I have Knowledge 23 years, and it keeps growing. I experience the most profound joy and gratitude. You are the most extraordinary thing that happened in my life. I am amazed.’
‘After practicing Knowledge today, I remembered something you first said many years ago. It was: “What you are looking for is inside of you.” This morning I’m feeling how true this statement is for me. There is such a sweet fulfillment that practicing Knowledge brings to my heart. I am so grateful that you showed me where to look to find it.’
‘I want to thank you for this gift of Knowledge and all of the guidance and inspiration that you’ve given me over many years. I don’t know how this all works, only that it does. I am continually amazed by this experience of life and feel like I’m sitting on the edge of my seat watching the most wonderful story unfold every day.
How is it that I can simply turn within and feel like I’m standing at the edge of a beautiful vista? How is it that I can listen to you or watch a video of you or simply read your words on a page and my heart opens up and fills with joy? None of these things make sense to the mind, but the experiences are as real as my fingers are on this keyboard. Who, except for you, knew that such possibilities exist? Nothing in the world points us toward this. And I am so deeply grateful that you and I met so that I could learn this from you.
Every day I try to apply what you have taught me, and it’s not always easy. I feel like being your student and practicing Knowledge takes the very best of me. Nothing is so demanding and at the same time so fulfilling. And I’m a slow learner, so some very basic things that you were speaking about years ago are finally sinking in. But you know what? I don’t mind being a slow learner, because it’s all been an amazing journey.’ -
‘My heart is filled with gratitude for what you have brought and are bringing into my life. You have taken me from darkness to light, shown me the way back home to my heart, so that I truly know myself and can experience and am in love with the Divine.
You lit my lamp long ago and showed me how to keep it lit. Our relationship is one of the purest forms of love. Thank you for reminding me what is most important in my life, which helps me experience heaven while I am walking through this very dark time.’ -
‘Thank you. I received Knowledge and I could have never imagined that life can be so beautiful and I feel so much in love. It’s so sweet and magical. I have never experienced such beauty before. Thank you.’