Peace Education Programme Reflections
The Peace Education Programme (PEP) runs in thousands of institutions worldwide. Below are some reflections shared by Students and other PEP attendees, Inmates, and Ex-combatants.
Reflections from Students and other PEP attendees
March 2025
‘It’s essential to appreciate this existence. We can fill it with light or darkness. We have the opportunity to live fully and be thankful. If I want to have a smile on my face when leaving this world, I need to enjoy my life while I’m alive.’
‘This program helped me see life as the greatest gift I have. I’m now able to live wisely in the moment and go after my objectives, rather than expecting to get from others what I already have inside. Above all, I can do my part to make the world a better place.’
‘Thanks to this course, I have gained the ability to see what is really worth appreciating. I understood that what matters is not to be chased after, because it is already within me.’
‘I believe determination has a lot to do with our self-awareness of grasping who we are. Common sense goes hand in hand with wisdom.’
~United States
‘The Peace Education Program has worked amazingly. I had been looking for peace in all the wrong places. Thanks to the Program, I have finally found it inside of me. All I needed was the gentle guidance from Prem. Today, I am happy to say I feel more joyful, alive and happy.’
~South Africa
Febuary 2025
The simplicity of Prem’s message and his key points have made my days better. My understanding and values have greatly improved, allowing me to align my goals accordingly.
My energy lifts in a powerful way each time I listen to Prem. I begin to focus inwardly, and now this is how I move through my day. Peace is my responsibility.
Prem explains things so concisely and directly. I found his message very profound and easy to grasp. It’s helped me look at life from a whole new perspective. With his help, I can see clearly to rise above intense emotions and the heat of the moment
The Peace Education Program motivates me to believe in myself and change from the inside out. Prem helps me think differently and rediscover something within that I had thought no longer existed. Through this course I have found it again.
The Peace Education Program was the most important course I have ever done in my life. It gladdened my heart to know that in this difficult world I can live in peace.
January 2025
‘When I was a child, I would ask myself why I am here. Without searching in any book, I found it was to be happy. I remember the joys of swimming in a pool or climbing trees. Now that I’m old, I’ve discovered that this feeling of joy emerges from inside, not having to do with anything else except feeling it.’
‘I’m responsible for whatever happens in my life. I want to plant the seeds of love, consciousness and kindness, because whatever I plant comes back to me to be harvested.’
‘This situation in Lebanon is so bad, and I’ve been very afraid. Prem helped me know myself and taught me to have courage and clarity. I feel strong now, able to face things without fear.’~Lebanon
‘While taking the Peace Education Program, I was not told to do this or that. Rather, I was allowed to have my own understanding. This made it very personal and close to my heart. I am now a better person and much less angry and temperamental. I appreciate the small things in life and treasure every moment.’
‘Prem has broadened my horizons and helped me to appreciate life by encouraging me to know myself and feel dignity. This has brought me a feeling of peace and contentment.’
~South Africa
‘This Program is the real deal. It has given me so much strength inside my heart. I lost my husband last year and hadn’t healed because he was everything to me. After I lost him, life wasn’t the same, but now I feel free. I gained knowledge about myself and how important it is to have peace, clarity and contentment. I wish the program could spread worldwide because everybody needs it.’
~South Africa
‘I feel that I cannot live fully without peace. I was looking for it for a long time outside of myself. It is inside of me, and I can feel it now, thanks to Prem.’
‘Appreciation is being in awe of this marvellous gift of breath. What a loss it would be to spend our whole lives without appreciating the most outstanding gift we have inside.’
‘Prem’s Peace Education Programme broadened my view of myself as a human being and gave me a higher perspective of myself and my work. All the themes were thought-provoking, and now, putting it all into practice is the best thing I can do.’
Thanks to the Peace Education Programme, I discovered that beyond all problems and suffering, there is a place inside of me that can give me peace, and the effort depends on me.
‘This programme made a huge difference in my life. Before this, I didn’t know anything about inner peace. Now I am aware of the peace within and can feel hope, no matter the situation.’
~University of Kashmir, India
‘Without peace we have no future. In my difficult moments when I feel weak, I can connect inside myself. I can learn to live in the present. My strength is within my breath.’
‘This programme brought a ray of hope, inner peace, and helped me understand myself deeply. This is really a noble act and will definitely have a strong effect on the world.’
~University of Kashmir, India
‘I had suffered a lot. This programme helped me realize myself and make my life happy and comfortable. I wish this peace education would be compulsory for every stage of life.’
~University of Kashmir, India
‘Prem’s wisdom helps me be a participant in life and grow inwardly with more self-awareness.’
‘I really enjoyed the Programme. It was an eye-opener. I now see Life in a better way, a healthy way. I look forward to sharing Prem’s message with my family and friends.’
~ Recovery Home, Arizona USA
‘Today I felt something divine inside, a feeling of compassion for others. I could feel the strength of that feeling. Love is so powerful that it can defeat all obstacles, and even if things look dark, there’s always hope.’
‘The Peace Education Programme helped me to focus and listen without judging myself or others. I have become more aware of my inner resources and have learned how powerful choice is. I appreciate my life and remember that there is always hope.’
‘Since I’ve been participating in this programme, I face challenges with more hope. I no longer feel alone. I long to dive more deeply into the knowledge of myself.’
‘I want to hear Prem’s wisdom again and again. When I really listen and practice following it, I feel better every day.’
‘Prem helped me understand how to improve myself with my inner strength. His Programme brought me awareness, much like turning on a light. Seeing life clearly makes my ride smoother.’
‘The Peace Education Programme helped me find peace in my life. This is a good programme. We all have the fundamental right to experience peace inside.’
~Recovery Home, Arizona, USA
‘These are important and deep topics. I would like the programme to reach more people. It is a different course and one of personal recognition that we need more and more.’
~ Ecuador
‘Prem sowed the seed of peace with his simple words, and I’m so glad to be the one who benefited through this workshop.’
~Athens, Greece
‘When I listen to Prem Rawat and experience peace, something in me awakens, and I feel alive, happy and strong.’
~Athens, Greece
‘I liked what Prem said, that the greatest adventure we can experience in our lives is to discover ourselves.’
~Athens, Greece
‘I’ve learned that I need to choose those things that bring me closer to myself.’
~Athens, Greece
‘The Peace Education Programme has shown me that by knowing myself and being at peace, there is always hope and I can make a difference in my life. Prem has lifted a weight off my shoulders. I recommend this course to anyone, to guide their life on a better path, as it has done for me.’
‘Everything I learned from Prem has been useful in my daily life. I have been able to change some of my attitudes. And I have helped some young people who were feeling hopeless.’
Reflections from Inmates
March 2025
‘I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. From listening to Prem Rawat, I learned that by putting into practice the tools he taught me, I improve my day-to-day life. Regardless of my circumstances, I know I can have peace and discover the richness of life in the smallest things.’
‘We are each responsible; we can’t go to someone else for this. We can live like never before – do things differently, build a castle rather than a dog house! The more I listen to Prem, the more I like the word ‘responsibility’.’
~United States
‘I really needed peace and hoped one day everything would change. Listening to Prem’s message was like blossoming into life again. I feel peace, hope and love, things I haven’t felt in a long time. This makes everything so much better.’
‘Everything I learned from Prem was so good for my heart, and I am a different man. Every time I listen to him, I feel clearer and lighter. His program has given me so much hope.’
‘I have come to realize that peace is actually simple when I quiet my mind enough to allow my heart to open up and blossom. Peace can be felt inside when I set aside my distractions.’
~United States
Febuary 2025
Through the Peace Education Program, I was able to find the peace inside me I had lost. I feel happy, regardless of my circumstances, and now see life with new eyes.
~Brazil – Correctional Facilities
Listening to Prem helped me connect to my inner self, something I was not used to doing. I learned to value the people around me and respect each one the way they are. I can now better understand the meaning of peace. I finish the course today much better than when I started.
I’m very grateful for the program that showed me that there is hope and a chance for me. I’m able to reflect on what I’ve learned and make better decisions day to day.
~United States
I enjoyed every part of the Peace Education Program. I was in a dark place in my life, and it gave me the tools to fix that old worn-out lamp so it can once again shine bright.
~United States
I feel so much gratitude for this course, because it totally changed my way of thinking and acting. I leave this course fulfilled and I feel more at peace. Hope has been reborn within me, and all I learned from Prem will help me to start again.
January 2025
‘When Prem talks about how miraculous breath is, I focus on my own, and it is amazing.’
~Georgia, USA
‘Since the Peace Education Program, I don’t take time for granted. I am thankful every day I wake up, grateful for all the good times I have and choose what direction I want to go each day.’
~Georgia, USA
‘I was sad every day, feeling stuck and thinking life was over. The Peace Education Program helped me understand that loving myself and appreciating life is the most important thing so I can feel peace in my world.’
‘I was so impressed by Prem Rawat’s clarity, intelligence and understanding of life. Everything he talked about opened many doors for me. This Peace Education Program has helped me, because I learned to know myself, my values, what is inside my heart, who I really am and what I want for my life. Peace is within me!’
‘Peace is inside each of us to help us lead a dignified and full life. With clarity and inner strength, we can enjoy every moment life gives, as we learn to make good choices and have compassion for others. We are capable of spreading peace to people everywhere, regardless of race, color, financial or physical conditions.’
‘Every day I am at war with myself; sometimes I don’t realize it. Thank you for showing me the way to win the war.’
~United States
‘I’m learning to enjoy today, not tomorrow, to enjoy NOW.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘Choice is your weapon against ignorance. That’s right! Peace begins within.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘Remember that the focus of life is joy.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘I read books, I do yoga, I go to classes, but it felt so true when he said, “Be still.” Stop running around and around, when all the while it is right here.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘Since I heard him speak, I have been reflecting every day on what he said. What really struck me is: First, your candle has to be lit, then you can light others. You are the angel in your life!’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘You can feel peace in the middle of a war because you have it inside you – it’s not the outer circumstances.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘I have always wanted to help people. I learned today that if I want to help people, first I need to feel my own inner strength.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘What I learned is that instead of being angry and hating I can start loving myself. If you change yourself here (within,) everything changes.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘I’m learning to love myself again.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘I lost my way. This is helping me.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘I feel a lot. It’s a little overwhelming. I actually needed that. I’m reaching out to God, and then I heard Peace Class, and here I am.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘It’s not about peace for the world but the peace within myself. Each of us must find our own peace before we can help others.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘You can’t ever be bored if you’re feeling your aliveness.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘Peace got forgotten somewhere along the way.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘By following Prem’s advice, I’m learning to be me.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘You get a new chance every single day.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘It’s about appreciating life, not how many days.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘All kinds of storms are within us, but the calm is also within us.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘You can have peace even in prison because you can find it wherever you are.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘Peace is a must-have, like air and water.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘The fact that we have the power to re-write our own story is so amazing! Every day that I’m alive I have that power. Wow!’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘You always have a choice to keep doing what you’ve always done or to do something different.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘You can choose to appreciate what you do have, instead of being unhappy about what you don’t.’
~Everglades Correctional Institution Miami, USA
‘Look within. Basically, we are seeking peace in other places. Dig down inside yourself.’
~Miami Dade County Women’s Correctional Facility
‘When I am in the Peace Programme I forget I am in jail.
I want to carry my smile outside with me.’~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘The feeling of being grateful for life and having peace in my heart is the most amazing feeling I have ever felt.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘It’s not the fences out there, but the fences in the mind that stop you being free.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘When Prem Rawat talked about understanding, my whole perspective on life changed, and I was able to see much further than before. Life is good, and we have so much within us. I feel new horizons because of this wonderful course.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘He says everyone has a lamp inside them – light it.
I am trying, I need to persist.’~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘Anyone can relate to this course.
You don’t have to be a prisoner, everybody needs this.’~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘I am so used to having bad things said about myself. It is hard to accept it if someone says something good about you. This course is uplifting.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘The Peace Education Programme has taught me not to waste time. Let’s start putting right what we did wrong.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘This programme meant a lot to me. I took it to heart when Prem said to be happy and thankful for today.’
~Hameenlinna Women’s Prison, Finland
‘You can be your own worst enemy, or you can be your own best friend.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘My past cannot be changed, but my future can be. As long as I have breath, there is always hope for better days.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘I’m not coming for the coffee anymore. I am on a journey looking for inner peace.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘I enjoyed everything about this programme, especially the joy that I now feel and the peace I am discovering within me. This has improved my day-to-day life and my ability to be with others.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘Accept what happened yesterday and move on. You can’t change it. And then you can slowly start to find inner peace.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘Prem Rawat brought peace and kindness into my heart with his words of strength, focus, and hope. This is helping me to take a deep breath when I am angry, to be more patient, and to live better. I feel more in touch with myself and appreciate life so much more.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘I really enjoyed this course and learned to deal better with challenges. Such a simple course to teach me so much about myself!’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘When things go wrong you shouldn’t take it out on other people. It’s all up to you.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘Prem helped me to understand and to want to change. I want to pass this on to my children, my relatives and my friends, as lessons for life.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘We all have value.’
~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘Prem helped me recognise things about myself I can control and change. I can feel peace even surrounded by problems. This change in me is fantastic!’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘This programme is enabling me to overcome my struggles and be more conscious in how I think and act. I am finding strength to live in peace, knowing it is inside me. If I could, I would stay in this course until the end of my life.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘l like what he said that you don’t need wings to fly, you just need to cut the ropes that are holding you back.
Wow – you don’t hear that in life!’~His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK
‘I was a disturbed person and without peace, but from the beginning of the programme, I’ve tried to apply the themes to my daily life.
Now I am calmer, more confident, and free of addictions.
Because of Prem Rawat, I am truly a winner.’~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘Conflict is internal and so is the resolution. My clarity is in knowing the value of today. The manifestation of peace comes from within me, not in my ideas but in my reality.’
~Twin Towers Correctional Facility, Los Angeles, USA
‘What I am feeling from the Peace Education Programme is a waking up to life, something that has penetrated my heart.
My values were buried by difficulties, but this programme has been a gift from the divine, like water on a seed.
Now I have a reserve of strength to continue.’~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘Since going through this programme, my way of thinking has evolved.
I still have faults, but now I try to not judge anyone, rather look inside my own self and treat people as I would like to be treated – with empathy and compassion.’~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘I learned that you and I have the power to change, to be good or great, to never let anything put you down, to make a difference in the world.’
~Twin Towers Correctional Facility, Los Angeles, USA
‘My choices are the reason why I am incarcerated. If I’m unhappy with my life, I need to make better choices. Choice is my weapon against ignorance. I am here now to grow and transform. My true wealth is peace, clarity and understanding.’
~Twin Towers Correctional Facility, Los Angeles, USA
‘This course is changing the way I see life. By feeling peace and learning to know myself, I appreciate myself more and want to help bring peace to those who need it. Everything in my life is changing for the better. I am grateful for this miracle that is life.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
Argentina, Buenos Aires – Melchor Romero Penitentiary, Unit 34 (Men) ‘Prem’s words are so powerful because he speaks from the abundance of his heart.’
~Melchor Romero Penitentiary, Buenos Aires, Argentina
‘The essential thing is life, and it is never too late for a new start. I cannot change my past, but I can shape a better future. Prem inspired me to value my time here while I’m alive.’
~Correctional Facility, Brazil
‘Peace is a fundamental need and reflects the light inside us. It will challenge the darkness that keeps away fulfilment.’
~ Men’s Central Jail, Los Angeles, USA
‘What is on the inside can influence the outside. Peace is giving me more awareness of who I am, a chance to limit anger, doubt and ignorance.’
~Twin Towers Correctional Facility, Los Angeles, USA
‘When people in the world feel peace within, there will be peace in the world. What I can do to help bring about peace is to feel it within myself.’
~ Men’s Central Jail, Los Angeles, USA
‘We are raised with a mindset of conflict. There are things that divide us, but there are also things that can unite us. I cannot remove darkness, but I can find the light within.’
~Twin Towers Correctional Facility, Los Angeles, USA
‘I’ve been involved with offending behaviour groups and engaging with prisoners for over 36 years now. I believe deeply that this programme is one of the most effective programmes not only Leeds delivers but now I know there’s 12 others that are delivering it. I’ve seen the change in these lads. I think we need to really get behind this now, and hopefully this event today will light the candle for many more. I’m really pleased with the event and I’m really, really pleased that Prem came. What a lovely man.’
~ Supervisor Officer Dave McPherson, His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘I’m a veteran, ex-army, serving nine months and due to be released on Friday. I was just on the wing and was doing the veteran’s in custody course and someone said why don’t you come along to the Peace Programme. At first I was a bit like ‘Peace?…’ But then the animations started and I just went WOW! It was like bliss. I was just thinking why didn’t we do this when we came out the army? When you’re getting re-civilianised it could be introduced then. I just like the way everything was simplified so everyone can understand it. It was different and something successful, instead of just another class we go to, to get a biscuit or a coffee. Anyone else can talk, and you’re like yeah, yeah yeah… but with him it sinks in. And I’m getting out on Friday and I’m actually looking forward to it… I don’t think I’m coming back, I genuinely don’t. It’s a relief. This is not just another crappy course, this is something different, something powerful.’
Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘It were brilliant to actually see Prem in person instead of all the short videos we get to see of him. He spoke to us exactly the same way. Instead of always acting on instinct maybe I’ll now take a back seat and process them thoughts first and come with a different outcome. I came to prison with an attitude that vengeance has no time limit, and that when I get out there’s things I’ll need to put right, but I can’t even be bothered with any of that now. It’s just a matter of getting on with my self, putting my self forward, making my self happy and in turn everyone around me will just fall into place and be fine.’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘Before doing this group I could have given you a dictionary definition of the word peace, but I wouldn’t have applied it to my life. So doing these sessions, the word peace and how I can use it, has been made relevant to me. And at the end of the talk today I had a mind to write down a lot of things that were beneficial when I get back to my cell, so I can make use of them in the future. I’m 45 years old now, I’ve come back to prison again for committing violence so I obviously still need to address my anger issues. I need to adopt a more peaceful mindset and not respond to things aggressively. I made realisations when he was talking and I don’t want them to be fleeting realisations, and then forgot about, I want to put them into practise.’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘I’ve been caught up in drugs since a young age, I saw a lot of things I shouldn’t have seen as a kid. Been in and out of prison since a teenager, there was no support, no rehabilitation. I’ve been in this jail about 7 times, it’s no good. Luckily this has come along at the right time when I needed it, it’s happened for a reason. I’m glad because I don’t know what I’d have done, really. I wanted this, but didn’t have the tools to do it. I’d not even heard of PEP before, I was shocked to hear how long it’s been going – thinking where’s it been? How come I’ve never heard of it? Today was good. It’s a pretty big deal Prem Rawat coming, it does give you that nice feeling seeing him in person and he’s got a good vibe about him, it’s good words, a good feeling. Gives me hope. I asked him about the chaos from a young age, can I change? Because it’s instilled into you. It confirmed what I was thinking, that it can be done. Sometimes you need to hear about it from someone else, and it helped me a lot. It were really good. I’m proper happy, and I’m humbled to be here today. And it doesn’t end here I’m going to continue on the outside.’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘Been smoking heroine and crack for 20 years now, I’m 35. I’ve had a lot of injuries, a lot of trauma… Billa told me about the PEP. It’s a different way of living, I love it. I’ve got a lot of mental health stuff, so it just makes me peaceful in my mind, and just dealing with situations in a peaceful way rather than being agitated about things. I still get worked up sometimes, but I’ve got my ways to deal with it. I read back the notes I’ve made in class. Today was ace, ‘lighting a candle’, it was a bit emotional. It’s amazing to see someone come in like that and take his time out for us lot as well. Cause we’re a tiny group compared to what he’s used to. Thanks for the volunteers, amazing amazing people. It’s changing my life in many ways.’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘I’m going to spend the next few years away. Got into a fight that went a bit wrong. I’m trying to find peace. I’ve been an addict for a long time, but clean for a few years. I like the videos, I like what he Prem has to say – never believed I’d see him in person. Today’s been brilliant, honestly brilliant. I didn’t know what to expect. The way he speaks is just like on the videos – he could read out the ingredients on the back of a cereal packet, and you’d be interested. Everything he said, every bit of it stood out for me, even the officers and the Governor, everyone getting involved. Just tell him thank you. Thanks to everyone.’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
I found out about PEP because I was on the prisoner information desk. The environment in the room is so peaceful, calming, and everything is easy to understand, there’s nothing complicated. And it actually gets to the issues. Me being a veteran, I beat myself up all the time, all the time, constantly, and it’s about learning to let it go, actually move on with your life. I liked the event a lot, I liked the bit about the candle, keep your candle burning and light other people’s, that will really stay with me. And the way he comes across, his demeanour is just dead calm, he’s really easy to understand. I really enjoyed today. I’m grateful for the opportunity to do the course and to actually try to find my inner peace, and rather than worry about what everyone else is doing, try and worry about myself for a change.’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘Been in prison 5 and half years. I first came across PEP a few months ago. I enjoy the message, I’ve lived a lot of my life in the past, now I like living here in the now. It’s clicked with me finally. We’ve all been in chaos in here, so just to move past that and learn to live in the now, that’s what stuck with me the most. It’s been a privilege.’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
‘I’ve been coming in and out of custody since I were 10, rough life. I come across PEP in prison this time. I’ve done all the 12 sessions and become a mentor. It’s amazing how you can know it all in life, but not know it all. Just to simply remember you, is what Prem does, that’s the bit that got me. And it’s just the way he is as a person, and he can’t half tell a story. I’m hoping this is going to make a difference, I’m hoping it is. It’s got me thinking differently, remembering me, celebrating life, like he says in his book. I think it’s extremely great advice, innit? So set in laymen’s terms but such wonderful, powerful advice and I’m going to continue doing it when I get home. Every time I listen to Prem he just captures me, brings me in. It was exactly the same today, and I actually got to shake the guy’s hand in person. I’m on board with it and I’m staying on board with it. I just want him to continue with what he’s doing because nowt else is making a difference. Why not roll with something that is. Proof’s in the pudding, innit?’
~ Inmate of His Majesty’s Prison Leeds, UK, after Prem Rawat’s visit
Reflections from Ex-combatants
March 2025
‘I changed. It gave me happiness, harmony, the desire to talk to that person that for some reason I was disgusted with, that we have to plant in our hearts the tree of love’
~Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘What I learned from the workshops is to have peace myself, to have understanding for people, to trust in me and to know what I have inside.’
~Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘It changed something very important in me: that it is very important to believe in oneself’
~Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I learned to be a more understanding person and to understand others and to know myself’
~Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I learned that we have many things that we do not see, but cultivating inner peace, and with time and patience everything can be achieved. Everything has it’s time and we also have to look beyond where we cannot see.’
~Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘The workshops helped me a lot to reflect and I learned to love myself and then to know how to live with other people.’
~Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Febuary 2025
What a beautiful thing is if we all cared, it would be beautiful to live. But because there is evil, envy, selfishness, racism, discrimination, and many bad things in the thought of humanity, that is why I would like these videos and teachings to reach many people to reflect and grow inside the heart
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
I personally found the workshop very wonderful because it teaches us the realities of life and the value that human beings have and how we can build peace from our hearts. It also emphasizes how we should take advantage of the opportunities of this lifetime. I would like very much if there is the possibility of bringing this knowledge to the rest of my colleagues, hopefully this is not the first or the last workshop.
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
The course that seeks to find our inner peace, for me is excellent because, thanks to these workshops, we realize how we can find ourselves again. It helps us to try to get to know us better and this is very good. It also gives us many spaces to discuss how we can find our peace. I personally like the course a lot. It seems to me excellent that they continue bringing PEP to the classrooms, to the companions who come to continue training in this process.
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
This helped me a lot because it helped me to forget some things I had in my mind that I had not been able to leave behind.
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Mr Prem who speaks, how to achieve happiness as a human being who I am, what I am, how to learn to value ourselves and others. These teachings help us to strengthen our knowledge of being people with much more ethics and respect
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
These teachings are very important for us and help us enrich our knowledge: that life is like the waves of the sea coming and going, in our lives.
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
January 2025
‘We are really grateful because your work is very important since it helps people to live together in the best way.’
‘I send you a greeting and thank you for that message of peace that is transmitted throughout the world.’
‘It would be good if you come to Colombia and we get to know you’ ‘You are a leader for us.’
‘We only ask you to do your best to achieve peace in the world. The way you make things understood in your videos is very good for learning, to make this citizenry understand, to change this new Colombia. Together we can reform this society. Thank you. ‘
‘This message changed my life with those beautiful reflections; I want to congratulate you and it is great to know that I could change my life totally. Thanks.’
‘Because we are locked in oneself and have many doubts I would like others to find inner peace and to know themselves as human beings.’
‘If I had known this message earlier in my life, I would never have gone to war.’
~Former Tamil Tiger
‘If a guerrilla can get the message to the heart. Imagine what you can do to the rest of the world?’
~Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I thank you with all my heart for orienting us and teaching us to reflect for ourselves and for me I have nothing more to thank you’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I would like you to come and teach us, especially all the people who have gone through armed life and those who hold great resentment’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘Thank you for everything you do, for the teaching, and one day I would like to meet you, to thank you for everything you have taught us.’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I understood that there are very good people in this world willing to teach and share their wisdom in exchange for the joy of someone else’s heart, as the master of these videos does.
If many more people were like this, the world would be different ‘~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I learned the importance of peace’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘In me there was a great change because I learned to know myself from the inside and I learned that as a human being one is worth a lot’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘He taught me that life has compassion and love.’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I learned to have no grudges with anyone and change my way of thinking; to be happy you have to do it yourself because no one else does it for you’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘I think your message will help many generations.’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
‘It would be good if these teachings are given to our companions and to all the people of the world, because we need to clear the way for our inner peace, so that there is peace in the world. ‘We have to be at peace with ourselves.’
~ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia